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The Coaching Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") believes that the proper handling and safe management of information resources are of utmost importance. The Company has established the following Basic Policy on Information Security as a guideline for protecting information, and will implement safe, appropriate information security counter-measures.

1. The Company shall comply with laws, ordinances, regulations, contracts, etc. related to information security.
2. The Company shall ensure the safe, appropriate management and operation of information resources by taking appropriate human, systematic, and technical measures.
3. To ensure the safe, appropriate management and operation of information resources, the Company shall implement necessary education for all employees.
4. To ensure the safe, appropriate management and operation of information resources, the Company shall periodically evaluate and revise its management system, regulations, etc. in order to make continual improvements.

Junji Kouketsu, Chief Executive Officer
COACH A Co., Ltd.

Created January 4, 2022
Version 2